What I’m reading: Samaritan, by Richard Price. Because I miss The Wire.
What I’m listening to: Body of Song by Bob Mould and Angel Milk
by Telepopmusik.
What I’m watching: 30 Rock, season 1, LSU/Florida (ugh), and a bunch of close NFL games.
What I’m drinking: Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I’m still on my one-drink-a-week routine, weirdly enough. Which means I haven’t had a G&T in more than 2 weeks.
What Rufus is up to: Attempted rape at the paws of a savoy down at the local farmers’ market on Saturday. Oh, the shame! He also got to take a short hike to Ramapo Lake, and stopped in at the Garden State Barkway to get his nails clipped, so on balance it was an okay weekend for him.
Where I’m going: Nowhere this week. I really oughtta get into NYC sometime.
What I’m happy about: My mom’s busted wrist healed well enough for her to go on her hiking trip to Utah this week. And that official VM pal Paul Di Filippo had his new book launch with comics legend Jim Woodring out in Seattle!
What I’m sad about: Only three weeks left in the presidential campaign! No!
What I’m pondering: Why this exists.