What I’m reading: Locas
, by Jaime Hernandez. Just feeling sentimental for Maggie & Hopey, I guess.
What I’m listening to: She and Him, Vol. 1
, but not getting into it.
What I’m watching: A marathon of The Deadliest Catch, in preparation for the premier of the new season.
What I’m drinking: Guinness Extra Stout (bottled)
What I’m happy about: That Starbucks’ new Pike Place roast isn’t anywhere near as offensive as its old coffee. I mean, I still wouldn’t choose to stand on line behind a bunch of people ordering orange mocha frappuccinos, but at least I know that if I DO have to go to a Starbucks, at least I’ll be able to get a decent black coffee. Oh, and here’s an article on their retro mermaid logo. This is not a mermaid.
What I’m sad about: That DirecTV’s installer messed up the installation of my new dish, so a bunch of my HD channels are badly digitizing/artifacting. Now I gotta work at home today so they can get someone out here to realign it. But it’ll be pretty sweet to have all those extra HD channels.
What I’m pondering: Why LeBron James is getting so much MVP consideration, given that his team is barely over .500 in a terrible conference.