Unrequired Reading: MARCH!
It’s time for another month’s worth of tweets and funny links, dear readers! Remember, you can keep up with these more easily by following my feed at twitter.com/groth18!
The Things He Carried (he being @acontinuouslean)
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Even in @ArcadiaBroadway I am. yfrog.com/gy1r6hvj
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Great @michaelbierut piece on 15 years of design-work for United.
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EVERYONE has trouble finding their way around #neworleans
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Wisdom from #TomFord: (I still wear shorts, but I’m in the ‘burbs, so hey.)
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NYC: dancing in the ’70s wasn’t all Soul Train
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@jeremoss lays a palimpsest over 7th Ave. bet. 47 & 48: #vanishingNY
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The Arab world’s greatest contribution to society? #Coffee! #justmyopinion
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My top symptom of depression is when I’m convinced I’d fail a #TuringTest. Spambots have it easier than I do
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Kindasorta pet sounds (via @bldgblog) #bringthenoise
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@thebookslut (whom I’m hoping to interview soon for my podcast) on writers and their politics: #KnutthePolarNazi
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I gotta get around to reading #Lanark sometime, since a trusted pal gave it to me a while ago: #andIshouldvisitGlasgow
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Good thing they didn’t goof on @DeadliestCatch: #nabokov
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Explaining the Northern Lights: #auroraborealis (make sure you watch this time-lapse video that shows up at the end)
The Aurora from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.
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Why do people get angry? #theydriveinNJ #iwouldhaveaskedforHappyGilmore
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Cutest thing ever: greyhound puppy edition #greyhound #sickeninglycute
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Mallrats of 1990: I was no great shakes back then either: #napoleondynamite
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RT @radleybalko – Prosecutor: “You bet your ass I ain’t gonna be mean to Willie Nelson.â€
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I did a #screenhijack of the electronic billboard at the Annapolis Mall in ’94 and posted some @danielclowes messages.
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I’m loving me these Out of Print t-shirts: #nakedlunch #mobydick
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“Militant” bombing of bus stop in #Jerusalem: #goodthingitsnotterrorism
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GREAT piece on the big problem with Big Idea books: #jointheclub #iwouldntjoinanyclubthatwouldtakemeasamember
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Holi isn’t the same without #karlpilkington #anidiotabroad
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The (Frank) King of Gift Shops: #gasolinealley
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Fear & Loathing in LV, 40 years later. #hst
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I really gotta get to re-reading #thucydides sometime. http://bit.ly/i6mQmJ
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Coincidentally, I have #Impromptu coming in from @netflix tomorrow: #chopin #liszt
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Cheech & Chong should sue for royalties: #nicedreams
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How to kill a zombie: #themoreyouknow
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No pic of Spencer Tracy playing Ultimate Frisbee? (thanks, @kottke!) #katherinehepburn
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Hey, @kottke! I see your #katherinehepburn and raise you a #farrahfawcett!#sk8ergirl
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Swaziland’s king faces strikes! He should name Richard E. Grant as his successor! #withnailandswazis #wahwah
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Speaking of #richardegrant, let’s have lunch! #whenisthenextbookcomingout
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Is @gsk about to relive #officespace? #ibelieveyouhavemystapler
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Neoconservatives: advocates of a new managerial state. Also, kindasorta fascist?
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@simondoonan on the flattering adjacent and the $12k jacket: #pythonsareexpensive
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@nytimes to conduct digital experiment on Canadians! #greatwhitepaywall #blamecanada
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@gregbeato offers an ode to the mall: #somehowradioshackisstillinbusiness
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Who watches the watch, man? #bespokewatch
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George Michael’s beard: Iron and Wine covers “One More Try”
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My cholesterol dropped 60 points within a year after I got a dog (who needed regular walkies) #gogreyhound
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The bank is closed, bitch! #bankshot #hoopitup #timduncan
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I was so hoping @therealshockg was part of this article on the N. Korean Digital Underground. #humptyhump
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Henry Miller: Brooklynite #tropicofhipster
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Should I take my #coffee more seriously? done and done! #pourover #caffeinedreams
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Unreal City #dubai #moneychangeseverything
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Before/Ater palimpsest pictures of earthquake & tsunami damage in Japan. #disastersunday
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Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, 25 years later. #disastersunday #atomicsafari
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Louisiana gulf coast ecology, post-Katrina & BP: #disastersunday
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Awesome Sam Lipsyte piece on cheating and the new #Monopoly. #goreadTheAsk #nownownow #SamLipsyte
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I’m very happy that there’s a Montaigne renaissance going on. #nowforplutarch
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Via @AlexBalk of @theawl, an encomium for Local Hero, one of the most wonderful movies ever.
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Whither the big box? Wither, the big box!
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Chuck Person had something to do with DEFENSE? I call shenanigans. #firsttimeforeverything #nba #lalakers
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“My God, it’s full of stars” #afghanair (whole set here)
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The Torah is wheat, the Bible is not Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. #itrynottodiscussreligiontoooften
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What happens to the Aerotropolises that fail? #justwondering
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New Orleans documentaries, in black and white. #mardigras
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Financial Times = Scientology: “every time you reach one level, you realize there’s another, more expensive level awaiting you.”
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100 Days of Designitude: via @designobserver
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V5 Precise is my office-pen of choice, but I use Pilot G-2 05 for travel: retractable, less leak-prone. #mypenishuge
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Who needs therapy? Here and here – #iprobablydo #drugsandvideogames
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The bottom of the world: beautiful pictures from Antarctica! thx, @in_focus!
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I wondered what became of Mats Wilander: #havegamewilltravel #bywinnebago
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I gotta get out west to In-N-Out and hit up that secret menu. #bestburgerever
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I’ve pretty much bailed on contempo fiction. Does it still suck?
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NYer interview with Tom Stoppard about @arcadiabroadway. #whatiscarnalembrace
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Yay! Drugs cost nil to discover! No wonder R&D productivity is falling apart and FDA approvals are at record lows!
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“How To End A Conversation“: I usually feign death.
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I guess I have to catch up on those American Masters docs, huh? #pbs #americanmasters #lovedLOVEDtheschultzone
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“This could be the greatest critical roundtable in Comics Journal history.” #dilbert #noseriouslydilbert
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Ron Rosenbaum on the man who questioned the bomb. #youdroppedabombonme
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#charliesheen via #wittgenstein via @walterkirn
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I used to play the Journey vid just so I could kill #steveperry. #videogamedeaths #nosinistar?
Wham! Bam
In honor of April Fools Day, Popmatters decided it was time to goof on an album that sold a bazillion copies and launched the career of George Michael, whose first solo album sold a mind-blowing 20 million copies. (I’m partial to Listen Without Prejudice, Vol. 1
, but my wife is partial to Andrew Ridgeley, so hey.)
- Wham!’s Christmas Conundrums (Shouldn’t that be “Conundra”?)
- Wham!’s Fashion Revolution
- Make It Best: Single by Single
- And just for Amy, Andrew Ridgeley: An Appreciation
Q. What’s white and rolls down a bathroom wall?
A. George Michael’s latest release.
–David Brent, The Office