What I’m reading: I was bored by Edwin Mullhouse, so I put it down after 25 pages. In honor of the finale of The Deadliest Catch, I started re-reading Moby Dick
. I also re-read Ghost World, which was a really wonderful comic.
What I’m listening to: Nothing in particular; just some shuffling iTunes.
What I’m watching: That Deadliest Catch finale, Be Kind Rewind (haters need to explain to me why they were so down on this movie), and Step Brothers.
What I’m drinking: Abita amber
What Rufus is up to: No grey-hike, on account of rain, but he got to meet lots of people and doggies at the Saturday farmer’s market in town.
Where I’m going: Nowhere in particular.
What I’m happy about: That Patsy turned out to be champion of the Ghurkas. And offered to put up Nepal’s Olympic team in her house for the 2012 games.
What I’m sad about: Talk Magazine launched 10 years ago? Boy, I’m getting old. And boy, that Gwyneth Paltrow S/M photospread remains one of the least sexy things I’ve ever seen:
What I’m worried about: Someday I’ll lose my mind and find that sexy. <shudder>
What I’m pondering: Whether I should forward this career advice article about drinking with co-workers to our office drunk, or just forward it to every other employee in our company.