Darin’ Aaron Magoo

So sorry for the lack of updates, dear readers, but my buddy Aaron (a.k.a. Fink) came to visit this weekend, and we spent much time . . . um, hanging out, watching movies, and eating very NJ food.

Speaking of which, Fink may never eat solid food again, after back-to-back days at Hackensack’s finest: White Manna and Brooklyn’s Brick Oven Pizzeria. I’ve never seen someone use Jameson as a digestif, but it seemed to have the right acid content for him.

It was a good time, intestinal woes notwithstanding. We got Fink up to speed on the most entertaining movie ever, as well as a couple of movies with hot women in their 40s: Catherine Keener and Kelly Preston.

And . . . we meandered around Ringwood Manor on Saturday, where Amy & I took a ton of pix! (Fink also took pix on his iPhone, but we didn’t check those out.) It was a wonderful day — mid-70’s, dry, breezy and clear — so we spent a bunch of time just strolling around the grounds. Well, Fink & I did. Amy was pretty dedicated to working out her new camera. I was just happy to have some success with the macro function on mine.

Anyway, it was a weekend of fun conversation, fun movies, and heavy-duty dining choices. Oh, and we swapped our iTunes libraries, so I may stumble across even more obscure and bizarre music than ever.

Fink on the bridge

(This post’s title comes from this morning’s installment of Achewood.) 

2 Replies to “Darin’ Aaron Magoo”

  1. No way! Aaron visited?! Sounds like you guys had a great time! Tell him I say hello (or maybe he’s crazy enough to read this blog — if so, hi Aaron!).

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