Even the moon is frightened of me?

Yesterday was the birthday of the official VM wife, so we celebrated with a fancyish dinner at Mignon, in Rutherford, NJ. Because I’m a practical hubby, I got her Lightroom for photo editing & organizing, and a cover for her Mini Cooper. And because I’m romantic and all-powerful, I also blotted the moon out of the sky for her.

For apps, Amy ordered scallops, which turned out to be less a stand-alone food and more a delivery system for the sauce and other accouterments. I went with a tuna tartare salad, which was dosed with chili pepper straight from Los Alamos. Fortunately, my taste buds recovered well enough to appreciate our Alaskan cut ribeyes. The quirky highlight of the meal, however, was at the beginning, when we were served our bread. In addition to the standard butter, the dish also contained “meat spread,” which was basically a little steak tartare intended to be spread on the bread. It may sound gross, but trust me, it was fantastic. Unless you’re a vegetarian, in which case it really was gross.

Anyway, earlier in the day, my friend Cecily stopped in for a lunch visit, and dropped off a birthday gift for Amy and an early anniversary gift, which is putting the pressure on me to come up with a good one. Only 8 days to go! How do I top that lunar eclipse?

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