Lessons Unlearned?

My wife just took a walk, trying to stay in practice, since we can’t take Rufus on his walks until he’s healed. She came back to report that the dog who attacked him . . . is lounging around in his yard unattended!

I picked up my camera and walked down the street to check. What did I find?

Here’s a link to another pic. I tried to get more of the yard & driveway in, just to assure that I wasn’t cropping out any people who were keeping an eye on him. Make sure to hit the “All Sizes” button in Flickr so you can scan the area for human supervision. You won’t find any!

4 Replies to “Lessons Unlearned?”

  1. I think it’s funny that they think that these little white flags will keep King in!!! If the fence isn’t working, then the flags will certainly not keep him restrained! I know firsthand from having an electric fence myself. If my dogs really want to go through it, they will! I actually think that there might be a weight limit or size limit on electric fences. The shock wouldn’t affect a big dog the way that it would a much smaller dog. Also, when we got our fence they told us that certain breeds aren’t affected by the fence. Probably King’s!! (aka Wolfdog)

  2. I don’t mean to butt in on this, but have you filed a police report on all this?
    The lawyer may direct you to do this , if not.

  3. No report about Sunday night, but there’s a nice long report about his attack on Rufus, as well as one about the attack on Timber, 3 weeks earlier. The Animal Control officer thought they made for good reading.

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