Losing Time

The NYTimes has an article about a Proust reading group in NYC. These sissies have taken two years just to reach the fifth book of the series. Your unhumble Virtual Memoirist, on the other hand, started the same book this weekend, a mere 4 months after beginning the project. In your (collective) face, you pansies!

As for the article, here’s a paragraph that I haven’t altered in any way. Please explain to me how it fits together.

As in the novel, whose narrator constantly forms opinions, only to undermine them, it is difficult to ascertain how Proust permeates each member. Some in the group take the same bus or have sushi together afterward; others have remained relative strangers, as they discuss how well Proust’s characters can be known.

Perhaps, as the next paragraph quotes, “It’s sort of cubist.”

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