(Night)Stand up and be counted!

More than 4 years ago, my second-ever post on this blog was about the pile of books that was mounting up in my old apartment, shelf space having run out. Since then, I’ve moved into my old house, but I’m still out of shelf space in the library that I tried to put together downstairs. Of course, I could put up shelves in my home office, but it’s got a pretty clean look right now with a minimum of shelves. (I’ll get a nice pic of it sometime.)

So I’ve decided to post a regular photo and list of the books on my nightstand, figuring that, if the same books are sitting there week after week, I’ll be shamed into

  1. reading more
  2. giving up on certain books that I’ll just never get through.

Either way, I win!

Now, I’d love to get you, my hyperliterate misfit readers, to e-mail me pix of the books that are piled up on your nightstands (or whatever else is piled up on your nightstands). So get crackin’!

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