What I’m reading: The Odyssey and the first book of Clyde Fans
What I’m listening to: BLACKsummers’night, Boxer
, Barking
, High Violet
, and a new Mad Mix I’m struggling with.
What I’m watching: The first week of season 1 of In Treatment (I’m intrigued enough to stick with it; also, I’m a huge mark for Gabriel Byrne, ever since Miller’s Crossing). On Saturday night, Amy & I tried giving Avatar a try on HBO. After 45 minutes, we were so bored we decided to take our chances with The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, which turned out to be a lot more entertaining and inventive.
What I’m drinking: Citadelle & Q-Tonic.
What Rufus & Otis are up to: Nothing exciting. They took a shorter-than-usual but vigorous hike up in Wawayanda on Sunday, and they were kinda bummed that there was no farmers’ market to visit on Saturday. Seriously, they seem to have figured out a 7-day week, and got all agitated when a Saturday morning went by without a trip down to the market. Poor boys.
Where I’m going: New Orleans, for the AAPS annual meeting.
What I’m happy about: I had an idea for a recurring podcast segment that I thought would be awesome. I shared it with a few potential interviewees and they were all thrilled by the idea.
What I’m sad about: Having to learn how to be a good audio interviewer in order to execute that aforementioned idea. For my day job, I do my interviews on the phone and then transcribe them for the magazine/website. I always shudder at the sound of my own voice and the vapidity of some of my questions, but then, maybe I’ll be more engaged when the topic is something I’m more interested in. And I can use a voice-distorter to sound like a kidnapper or something, instead of my occasionally “nasal wraith” voice.
What I’m worried about: Not following through with this awesome idea. It’s a recurring problem of mine. I’m hoping that I’ll overcome it by watching lots of In Treatment.
What I’m pondering: Going back to wearing glasses occasionally. I realize that my midlife crisis is manifesting itself in a desire to dress well (within a budget), which I think is a lot healthier than my dad’s version — buying a Corvette and a motorcycle and dating an 18-year-old hairdresser. So I’m thinking of buying a pair of these, because I need to look more bookish (?).