What I’m reading: The Book of Basketball, by Bill Simmons, When The Shooting Stops . . . The Cutting Begins: A Film Editor’s Story
, by Ralph Rosenblum, and Pop: The Genius of Andy Warhol
, by Tony Scherman and David Dalton. The latter was on display in my library when I stopped in a few days ago, so I borrowed it and gave it a read. I might go on a Warhol kick this winter, because I suspect he’s key to an understanding of celebrity (not just in terms of the “15 minutes” thing) in our age.
What I’m listening to: Everything, Everything, by Underworld.
What I’m watching: Role Models (better than it should have been), and the first 3 episodes of The Singing Detective.
What I’m drinking: Miller’s & Q-Tonic
What Rufus is up to: Coming to the office with me last Friday, as part of his Ambassadog duties, and going on a nice, long greyhound hike on Sunday (no pix).
Where I’m going: L.A.! In fact, I’m already there!
What I’m happy about: The Yankees won their 27th World Series! I finished that Nov/Dec issue! And I’m kindasorta getting that “novel” going for National Novel Writing Month, even though it’s pretty shapeless and the characters need a lot of work.
What I’m sad about: Not having much time to explore L.A.
What I’m worried about: I don’t know. I’m pretty tired right now, so I don’t have the energy to worry.
What I’m pondering: Why it took me so long to start twisting my crazy anecdotes into ficton.