What I’m reading: Finished Antony and Cleopatra, recaptured my comic-geek youth with the Ambush Bug reprint collection
, and finished Plutarch’s life of Lycurgus.
What I’m listening to: A mix I made called Dropsical Meatwave. Because I’m like that.
What I’m watching: Chocolate, which needed less buildup and more fight scenes. The mishap outtakes in the closing credits demonstrate that more fight scenes would have led to fatalities, so hey. I also re-watched the first three episodes of the first season of The Wire on my flight out to Vegas. What an amazing show.
What I’m drinking: Not much. I’m getting tired liver after a short spring training.
What Rufus is up to: Enjoying the warm weather, going to a greyhound meet & greet (with pix) on Saturday and taking his weekly hike up in Wawayanda State Park (no pix)!
Where I’m going: Las Vegas, baby.
What I’m happy about: I may get to hit In-N-Out Burger while I’m here! (I’m easy.) Also, I’m still pretty ecstatic that I took this pic. (Again, I’m easy.)
What I’m sad about: I had this terrible foreboding the moment I woke up on Sunday, the day of my flight out here. I haven’t had that sort of vibe in a long time. Of course, the flight turned out fine and I even drove in Vegas for the first time (it’s my 5th trip here, I think). Interestingly, they don’t seem to paint stripes on the highway or the major roads. This made the drive interesting. To my credit, I took my GPS unit along and let it guide me out to the hotel.
What I’m worried about: Mortality, evidently. And driving a low-slung Pontiac around Las Vegas.
What I’m pondering: Whether The Arcade Fire’s “Wake Up” (the song from the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are) is this alt-generation’s “Do You Realize??” or their “November Rain.”