Gin & Pecans!

Back in the office today, for the first time in almost 2 weeks (except for a one-hour stop last Wednesday when I filled out 3 months’ worth of expense reports). What do I find waiting at my desk? A jar of glazed pecans and a giant bottle of Tanqueray! It’s like the holidays never end!

Should I worry about the fact that my associate editor bought me the gin (one of those 1.75L numbers that comes with its own handle)? I mean, if I’d dropped more hints about the two volumes that I’m missing from the new Proust translation, would she have looked for those instead?

5 Replies to “Gin & Pecans!”

  1. You should worry it’s Tanqueray as opposed to the only drinkable cheap gin, the non-Sapphire Bombay.

    BTW: the first time I read this post I thought your company was paying your expenses in gin and peanuts, which is a lot funnier.

  2. Oh, Tanqueray’s just fine as a cheap gin, y’ninny. I admit that my move over to Tanqueray No. 10 was driven by Tony Sinclair.

    I guess there DOES seem to be a cause-and-effect pattern in that paragraph about the expenses…

  3. Sorry, Gil. I’m with Tom on this one. My pipe-cleaner arms can’t squeeze enough limes to make regular Tanq drinkable.

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