What I’m reading: Moby Dick, George, Being George
, Crumb’s Book of Genesis
, and a whole ton of Planetary comics (while I was home sick) in anticipation of the final issue. Which turned out to be a non-event.
What I’m listening to: Not a lot. My head’s been so stuffed up, most music sounds kinda muffled.
What I’m watching: American Splendor, in honor of Harvey Pekar’s 70th birthday last week, the Yankees’ playoff games, and a pretty humorous Parks & Recreation.
What I’m drinking: NyQuil. I’ve been wiped out by a chest cold since Monday, and figured that booze would just zap my poor immune system even further. Reading the label, I discovered that one is not supposed to take more than four 30ml doses of NyQuil in one 24-hour period. If you’re the sort of person who would even consider four doses of this stuff in a day, you probably aren’t going to be deterred by that warning. Wowza.
What Rufus is up to: Packing his things for a 3-night stay with his pal Tut.
Where I’m going: To Cincinnati, to visit Amy’s pals Ken & Denise for a long weekend.
What I’m happy about: Seeing a lot of old pals at my 20-year high school reunion on Saturday.
What I’m sad about: Not getting to talk to everybody I wanted to talk to at the reunion. But at least some of those people are local(ish), so we can try to get together sometime this fall.
What I’m worried about: The fact that two old classmates independently asked me if I’d gone into politics, while two others asked if I was now a lawyer.
What I’m pondering: Writing a post about my annual movie-traditions.