What I’m reading: Just finished The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one to notice both the characters and the structure of the book owe a lot to the work of Los Bros. Hernandez. (Not in a rip-off way, necessarily, and I’m happy to see their work cross-pollinating like this.) Also, Willie & Joe
, a phenomenal collection of World War II comics by Bill Mauldin. (Courtesy of one of my best pals.)
What I’m listening to: Angel Milk, by Telepopmusik.
What I’m watching: Ratatouille, which was nice, and gorgeous to look at, but nowhere near the level of The Incredibles
Where I’m going: Atlantic City, for a clinical supplies conference that may spawn some good topics for my magazine. Unfortunately, this means 3+ hours of driving each way today, but I decided I wasn’t in the mood to drive down the night before and stay in an AC hotel, and I can’t miss 2 days from the office.
What I’m drinking: Dead Guy Ale from Rogue
What I’m happy about: That Rufus had a great time meeting a bunch of his fellow greyhounds at an adoption event on Saturday (thanks, Greyhound Friends of NJ!).
What I’m sad about: That Rufus is going through a “phase,” in which he turns around during our walks and tries to head back home. Oh, and which he escalated on Saturday night by getting up, running downstairs, and peeing on the carpet, without giving any signs that he needed to go outside. I take these things personally, as you can tell.
What I’m pondering: Why I thought it was a good idea to drive down to AC and back in one day. I really should’ve taken the bus down with the old ladies. Then I’d get $15 in quarters, too!