The Truth About Cats and Dogs

Welcome to the Virtual Memories / Minimally Invasive estates, Rufus, you retired racing greyhound!

Rufus raced under the name Primco Kabam, shares a birthday with my brother and, even though he didn’t do too well on the track, his breed can supposedly get up to around 45mph . . . in three strides.

So, we’ll be keeping him on a leash forever and ever outdoors, or at least till we put up a fence through the whole backyard.

Now for the truth about cats and dogs: your Virtual Memoirist is capable of carrying a 78-lb. greyhound up two flights of stairs.

But I don’t like doing it. So if any of you know how to train a greyhound to go upstairs on his own, I’ll pay you to come by and show us.

Amy made a little photo-essay of this weekend’s event and, since she’s a better photographer than I am (both of these pix are from her set), I figure you should check it out.

Many thanks to Greyhound Friends NJ for making this happen!

It sure beat our original idea for rescuing a racing greyhound: driving down to the dog-track, dressing Amy in a rabbit costume, and having her lure one of them into chasing her into the back of my Element. But then that “45mph in three strides” thing came up . . .