Unrequired Reading: The Februariad
Here’s your monthly dose of Unrequired Reading, dear readers who are too lazy or otherwise uninclined to follow my twitter feed at twitter.com/groth18
My dogs would get so confused on these awesome staircases.
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Nothing about how Craigslist enables Arab protestors and revolutionaries to get laid? #noitdoesnt
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Great pix from Sept. shuttle trip in honor of my production manager, who bailed on our current ish to watch the launch.
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Simon Schama on Helen Mirren. Well, not ON Helen Mirren, but you know. #IneverdidseethatMazurskyversionoftheTempest
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Sadly, I’m sure there’s a novel/screenplay about a romance between a mope and a fluffer.
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So it’s better to shoot at civilian protestors with 7.62s, not .50s?
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“Exotic Superfluid Found in Ultra-Dense Stellar Corpse”: the title of the new Orb record? #littlefluffytweets
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Glad to find out street heroin and my G&Ts both have quinine: always important to stave off malaria. #themoreyouknow
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I’d be afraid of the NJ version of this #50moststylishnewyorkers list.
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Gator and the Berra. #NYY #louisianalightning
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Don’t bet against the Tic-Tac-Toe Chicken. #starbucksduanereadeorcupcakes
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Profile of Al Goldstein: the (not-)new pornographer.
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Greatest. Memo. Ever. #weneedtosolvepakistanbeforelunch
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@simondoonan: not exactly a fan of Fashion Week (but hilarious). http://slate.me/gLK6Jz #nyfw
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There really should be a Yinka Dare award, too. #nbaantiawards
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Great Michael Caine interview. Get Carter was #badass
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“Alcoholic hospice”? I used to joke about drinking with careerist determination, but wow.
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Ahoy-ahoy! #thatisall
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If only Bill Murray had missed out on The Man Who Knew Too Little, too… http://bit.ly/fCEPi9 #billmurray #castingdirectorofbabel
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To Mr. & Mrs. Ball, a son: Curve. #intheloop #greatestmovieever
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That’s it! No Ferrari for me! #okayidriveasubaru
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KenJen on #Watson: very smart, very fast, speaks in an uneven monotone, and has never known the touch of a woman.
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Michael Lewis (satirically) on who’s to blame for the financial crisis: #blamecanada?
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It’d be funnier if the greys just took off like rockets: #judginggreyhounds
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Did NYC consult @dandrezner for the zombie invasion section? #apocalypselaw #escapefromnewyork
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West Egg. 8-Bit. Great Gatsby video game. #gatsbyfornes
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Great piece by Adam Kirsch on literary criticism. Go read it! #notbookreviews
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Sartoria Rossi: or is it Satori Rossi? #beitalian #iwishicoulddressthiswell
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@nealstephenson on the development of the Rocket #ficktnichtmitderRaketemensch! #youdroppedthebombonme
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Valentine’s Day special! Here are the best NYC restaurants in which to stage a breakup! #noromance
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Fun story of SEO abuse on Google. #jcpenney #seohack
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Not on the menu @ Veselka: Ron Rosenbaum on cannibalism in the Ukraine c.1932-3 #noendtoevil #ieatcannibals
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Schizo NYC from @jeremoss: Two-Face, Composite Superman, or Ultra The Multi-Alien? #splitcity #uglierbytheday
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“Yoga in bed” is a euphemism, right? #clydefrazier #whatrhymeswithtantric
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Ouroussoff fluffery on new Gehry bldg. Was this actually written by a computer using random samples of O’s prose?
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Important lesson – never marry a chemist: #whenxiaoyemetthallium
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I’d wear Jesse Eisenberg’s costuming from Social Network before I’d be caught dead in Sorkin’s sack suit #badfashion
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Richie Rich: explosion on the runway. http://bit.ly/gyAz2R #nyfw
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My old man swears he once reached a polar research base with his HAM setup: #wb2zvs
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Not quite as implausible as Jews In Space, but it’s close: Jews In Syria! (neat story, trust me) http://bit.ly/gkOntd
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Neat @nicknotned (Nick Denton) Atlantic Wire interview about his news consumption habits.
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Covering J.G. Ballard #jgballard
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Real question is: Can a novel be “philosophical” without being dreadfully dull? #doubtit
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Metropolitan or Gossip Girl? or … #whitstillman #gossipgirl (I’m a Metropolitan man)
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Queenstown, where I heard the voice of God (also, where I bungee-jumped) http://nyti.ms/dSZiHx
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Greatest. Band name. Ever. #drteethandtheelectricmayhem
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Clive James on roman policier: #okaytheyrecrimenovels
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The honey badger doesn’t give a shit: #randall
Honey badger remains b-a-d-a-s-s (I can’t even survive drinking half a 40 of King Cobra). #honeybadger