Episode 449 – Scott Newstok
Episode 231 – Sven Birkerts
Virtual Memories Show 231:
Sven Birkerts
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“There are thresholds or shelves where we go from having incremental change to systemic moments of transformation.”
In the ’90s, Sven Birkerts cautioned us about the impact of technology on reading with The Gutenberg Elegies
. In 2017, we mute our iPhones to talk about his new book, Changing the Subject: Art and Attention in the Internet Age
(Graywolf Press). We dive into the impact of digital technology on perception and identity, but also get into the way life becomes a thematic puzzle in middle age, why he stepped down from his role directing the low-residency MFA program at Bennington, the joy of bringing his favorite writers in as instructors (and the ones he regrets not getting), the challenge of interviewing fiction writers, his big literary 0-fer and what I’m missing about Virginia Woolf, how he’s adapting to a year-long sabbatical and how he understands his writing life, what he’s learned editing the literary magazine AGNI, and why the prerequisite for anything he’s reading is that it has to be more interesting to him than whatever it is he’s vaguely brooding about. Give it a listen! And go buy his new essay collection, Changing the Subject
“When I was your age, I discovered the doubling over of one’s own experience. . . . Themes, recurrences and motifs in my life began to manifest. Then as if on command, the whole sunken continent of memory began to detach from the sea-floor.”
Enjoy the conversation! Then check out the archives for more great episodes!
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About our Guest
Sven Birkerts is the author of Changing the Subject: Art and Attention in the Internet Age and nine previous books, including The Other Walk: Essays
, The Gutenberg Elegies
, The Art of Time in Memoir: Then, Again
, and My Sky Blue Trades: Growing Up Counter in a Contrary Time
. He recently stepped down as director of the Bennington Writing Seminars, and he also edits the journal AGNI based at Boston University. He lives in Arlington, Massachusetts, and he’s on Twitter as svenbirkerts and Instagram as cyberbirk.
Credits: This episode’s music is Nothing’s Gonna Bring Me Down by David Baerwald, used with permission from the artist. The conversation was recorded at Mr. Birkerts’ home on a pair of Blue enCORE 200 Microphones feeding into a Zoom H5
digital recorder. I recorded the intro and outro on a Heil PR-40 Dynamic Studio Recording Microphone
feeding into a Cloudlifter CL-1
and a Mackie Onyx Blackjack 2×2 USB Recording Interface
. All processing and editing done in Adobe Audition CC
. Photo of Mr. Birkerts by me. It’s on my instagram.
Podcast: Linn Ullmann, part 1 – Lady with a Dog
Virtual Memories: Linn Ullmann pt. 1 – Lady with a Dog
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“You can hide writer’s block, but you cannot hide that you have no control over your dog.”
I thought Linn Ullmann and I were going to sit down and record a little conversation about her new novel, The Cold Song (Other Press), but we found out that we had a lot more to talk about. So much, in fact, that we ran over the time set up by her publisher and had to get together for a second session during her stay in New York for PEN America week! In part 1 of our first 2-part episode, Linn talks about the influences of her parents — Liv Ullmann and Ingmar Bergman — on her storytelling process, her subversion of the “Scandinavian crime novel” in The Cold Song, the importance of place in her writing, the perils of overthinking the ground rules for an interview (not ours!), how she transposed a character from The Wire from Baltimore to Norway, and how she managed to convince her book club to tackle Proust. We close out with the topic of Karl Ove Knausgard’s work and the ethics of explicitly writing fiction from life (which is where part 2 picks up). Ms. Ullmann’s a fascinating writer and this is (this first half of) an illuminating conversation about her work and life. Give it a listen! [UPDATE: Part 2 now available!]
“I wanted to write a love story not about the beginning of love or the end of love, but the middle of love, where it’s broken, and where the harmless little secrets turn out not to be as harmless as you thought.”
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Enjoy the conversation! Then check out the archives for more great episodes! Related conversations:
Follow The Virtual Memories Show on iTunes, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and RSS!
About our Guest
Linn Ullmann is a literary critic and the author of five novels: Before You Sleep (1998), Stella Descending
(2001), Grace
(2002), A Blessed Child
(2005), and The Cold Song
(2011). Grace won The Reader’s Prize in Norway and was named one of the top ten novels that year by the Weekendavisen newspaper in Denmark. In 2007, Grace was longlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize in the UK. A Blessed Child was shortlisted for the Brage Prize in Norway. In 2007, Ms. Ullmann was awarded the Amalie Skram Award for her literary work, and she received Gullpennen (the Golden Pen) for her journalism in Norway’s leading morning newspaper Aftenposten. In 2008, A Blessed Child was named Best Translated novel in the British newspaper The Independent, and in 2009 the novel was longlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award in the UK. Linn Ullmann’s novels are published throughout Europe and the U.S. and are translated into 30 languages. The Cold Song was recently published in the U.S. by Other Press. Ms. Ullmann lives in Oslo with her husband Niels Fredrik Dahl, a novelist, playwright and poet. She has two children, Hanna and Halfdan, and two stepchildren, Dagny and Kasper. She also has a dog named Charlie.
Credits: This episode’s music is Sweetheart Like You by Bob Dylan. The conversation was recorded at the Other Press offices on a pair of Blue enCORE 200 microphones, feeding into a Zoom H4n recorder
. The intro and outro were recorded on Blue Yeti USB Microphone
. Processing was done in Audacity and Garage Band. Photo of Ms. Ullmann by me.
Unrequired Reading: April Link Showers
Bizarre! I was just settling in to collect my May Twitter-links for a big Unrequired Reading when I discovered that last month’s load o’ links never went live! So here’s all of April’s great stuff! I’ll post May’s tomorrow!
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It’s time for another month’s worth of Twitter links, dear readers! If you want to follow along, I’m at twitter.com/groth18!
First, the retweets:
RT @mookiewilson86 (paul raff): David Koresh had a better homestand than the Mets.
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RT @ESQStyle Esquire Style: And the best-dressed male guest at the #RoyalWedding is… not David Beckham.
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RT @felixsalmon (felix salmon): Wherein Martin Amis blathers on for 4,000 dutiful but unnecessary words about Christopher Hitchens.
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RT @kylevanblerk (Kyle van Blerk): Client request of the year.
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RT @simondoonan (Simon Doonan): Creative factory: Simon Doonan, My Faves!
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RT @GreatDismal (William Gibson): “WE HELPED YOUR GRANDAD GET LAID” #daytonbootsvancouver
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RT @mattzollerseitz (Matthew Zoller Seitz): “‘After Hours’ exists to prove that ‘Taxi Driver’ actually displayed some restraint. @notjustmovies
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RT @JPosnanski (Joe Posnanski): In honor of touching CNN story, I write a little more about Nick Charles and a moment I’ll never forget.
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RT @asymmetricinfo (Megan McArdle): Why Europe won’t develop as an independent military power
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RT @kottke (kottke.org): Hilarious fake TLC promo
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RT @kylevanblerk (Kyle van Blerk): Bored at work. Photoshopping Bieber’s head onto things.
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RT @questlove (?Love of The Roots): Man. Not even “OJ Guilt” is the proper colloquialism for what I feel after eatin Cinnabon.
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And now, the links!
NBA Action: Bet On It! #IhadSpursandMagicinthefinals
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Ah, #vodka, with your “marketing gimmicks that make getting drunk seem like a gateway to fame and fortune”
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The bowling alley of the #Frick: it’s no basement of the Alamo, but still.
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There’s now a computer as dumb as my boss. #thatswhatshesaid
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Joe Queenan goofs on the #gehry glut.
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Is anyone at the #royalwedding sporting a monkey-tail beard?
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Via @khoi, abandoned Yugoslavia monuments of awesomeness.
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Xanadu comes back to life! (Will #MichaelBeck and @olivianj be at the opening?)
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Xanadu: More of disaster than @XanaduMovie? #likedecoratinganuclearreactor #bringbacktheAlexander’smural
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In the movie, I see Billy Bob Thornton as the local, and Pesci as the mobster: #greateststoryever #trustme
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“Tefillin: it’s like Jewish blood pressure.” Go, @MitzvahTank! #areyouJewish?
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Will nobody think of the #pistachios?!
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#AllStarSuperman never should’ve released the sun-eater from captivity:
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The Walk of Shame goes #StreetStyle, via @sartorialist
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So VCs are like the AIDS activists of our time?
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I’m all for taking advantage of gorgeous chicks, but sheesh! #modelscam (via @felixsalmon)
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#HaroldBloom and his “elite Europhile glasses” #agon
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Eat lead! #staedtler and #fabercastell at war
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Every so often, I remind myself why I find contempo literary fiction useless and stultifyingly dull
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Go read this #BenKatchor interview! Nownownow! #CardboardValise (just plow through the “what is comics?” section)
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@felixsalmon delivers a (much appreciated) Jonathan Franzen smackdown
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@witoldr on the secret language of architects.
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This #Houdini article escapes from the need to write in complete sentences. #escapeartistry
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I guess I oughtta get around to reading #GeoffDyer sometime, huh?
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In honor of tonight’s season 2 premiere of #Treme on #HBO, check out this interview with #WendellPierce (#BunkMoreland)
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#ChrisElliott has a DAUGHTER on SNL? #igrowold
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Ron Rosenbaum implores us to visit (Joyce’s) Ithaca (but not much else). (I admit I’ll likely skip #Ulysses)
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I’m awfully happy with my @allenedmonds, I have to say
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I look down on my wife. #shekicksmeintheshins
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Is it good or bad that my TV/movie/prose diet is so similar to that of #StevenSoderbergh? #MillersCrossing!
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25 years ago: Graceland and the Gatwick Baby
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“People who drink coffee are different in many ways from those who don’t drink coffee” #whataboutgin?
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Geoff Dyer on being allergic to David Foster Wallace’s writing (his compare/contrast w/Federer is great)
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“You look into the fiery furnace and see the rich man without any name” #wallstreet
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Neat video of @billy_reid at home.
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@simondoonan on camp: “I am not the brightest Art Nouveau lamp in the room…” #needIsaymore?
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NOLA: The Big Hypothetical
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Fun interview with Glenn O’Brien, onetime Warhol employee and current #StyleGuy for #GQ: #howtobeaman #glennobrien
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Ah, get back to me around yer 20th reunion, ya young bastid.
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Neat take on Android, Google’s business model, and moats.
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Authors and broken promises. #Icantgetstarted
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I would prefer not to poke you. #groupmeh
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Um, the good news is that “cancer” doesn’t exist (the bad news is that it’s more complex than anyone thought) #uhoh
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Would it have more success if it were called a “scrodpiece”? #probablynot
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“It’s still real to me, dammit!” #soareconcussions #andearlydeath #wwe
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When Antonioni met Tarkovsky: #shakeitlikeaPolaroidpicture
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RPG = Rocket-Powered Genius (of design) #rocketpunchgeneration
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@rupaul answers all questions, except, “What’s up with the mustache?” #dragrace
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@david_j_roth speaks truth to pizza (I still don’t understand how @pizzahut stays in business here in NJ.)
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Is there a Damien Hirst level to unlock? #jeffkoonsmustdie
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By @mattnycs: Vote for the man in the small hat: a rabbi runs for office … in Uganda: Parts I and II #really
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Hot chicks with (old) douchebags: #Iblamesociety #Ialsoblamehotchicks
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No Shakespeare in Topeka? #talentnotgenius #billjames
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#Koppenburg: why I don’t bike. #whoneedstheexercise?
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Accidental Mysteries: masked #seenandunseen
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GREAT piece by @comicsreporter on a trip to the #centerforcartoonstudies
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Because, as we know from #chrisrock, books are like Kryptonite to… certain people: #padandquill
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Darkness at Noonan: #tomgoestothebar (happy 60th, Tom Noonan!)
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And I close this month’s edition with a non-link:
“I used to believe that worry was a talisman against something bad happening to you.” thx for the wisdom, @ConanOBrien (& @MarcMaron)!