Unrequired Reading: May 2, 2008

It’s Friday, dear readers! Time for all sorts of oddball links I didn’t have time/motivation to write about!

The real Orange County is an odd place, according to this scare article from BW. The writer tries to portray the OC as being on the verge of financial collapse, but has to qualify that by pointing out that its unemployment and foreclosure rates are much better than the rest of the country. In fact, if you read between the lines, it appears that a lot of the unemployment and foreclosures in the region are happening to . . . mortgage brokers!

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I can probably draw an analogy between pharma companies’ reliance on blockbuster meds that are facing patent expiration and this piece about live music performance industry’s reliance on aging superstars to draw fans. In fact, if the Rolling Stones wait a few years, they’ll be able to buy a generic version of Fosamax!

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I can’t do any better than this GTA IV headline: It’s Not Just About Killing Hookers Anymore.

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In college, a black pal of mine used to refer to Jesse Jackson as a charlatan. I’ve always loved that term. Now Heather MacDonald busts it out to write about Jeremiah Wright and his “theories” of education.

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Whew! I thought I was the only one with compromising emanations.

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That’s great it starts with an earthquake birds and snakes and airplanes and Lenny Bruce is not afraid

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I-think-icon, I-think-icon . . .

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I have no words to describe the beautiful creepiness of this post and its images, so that’s it for the week.

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