Weren’t you just saying you wanted another collection of links to see you into the weekend? Just click “more”!
Continue reading “Unrequired Reading: Apr. 24, 2009”
A podcast about books, art & life — not necessarily in that order
Weren’t you just saying you wanted another collection of links to see you into the weekend? Just click “more”!
Continue reading “Unrequired Reading: Apr. 24, 2009”
This isn’t a true 0-fer this week, but it does point out my literary failings, which is what I’m all about.
Last night, it occurred to me that the number of ballparks I’ve visited may be greater than the number of Shakespeare plays I’ve read. I checked out both lists this morning and I’m glad to report that’s not the case:
Ballparks I’ve attended:
Shakespeare plays I’ve read:
I’ll probably see a Braves game when I’m in Atlanta next month, but I also just began reading Antony and Cleopatra, so the deficit will remain at 5. Unless I go on a real Shakespeare binge (which is possible) or get fired and decide to go on that “8 parks in 10 days” tour of midwestern ballparks I plotted out back in 2002 (which is very unlikely (I hope)).
Howzabout you, dear readers? Any of you read fewer plays of Shakespeare than the number of MLB ballparks you’ve visited?
Bonus! NBA arenas I’ve attended: