What I’m reading: Gould’s Book of Fish and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
What I’m listening to: Lots of random iTunes shuffling. I was really busy last week, putting together our big Contract Services Directory print edition. Like, 14-hours-a-day-at-my-desk busy.
What I’m watching: Liam Neeson going bad-ass in Taken, Bottle Shock
, and our annual tradition: Bad(der) Santa
What I’m drinking: DH Krahn & Q-Tonic. Hmm.
What Rufus & Otis are up to: Not being happy about the snow we got on Saturday.
Where I’m going: Louisiana, for Christmas with the in-laws!
What I’m happy about: Finishing that year-end issue (later today).
What I’m sad about: Having to leave the doggies while we’re away.
What I’m worried about: That they’ll gallivant and debauch with the two female greys whose owners will be taking care of them.
What I’m pondering: The ironies of a) having a mid-day blackout and b) nearly burning the house down during the Festival of Lights.