Following a scary missed (and mis-)diagnosis by his cardiologist last week, my dad had an angiogram this morning; he has 100% blockage of three arteries in his heart. He’s having a bypass performed on Wednesday.
I haven’t done much eating or sleeping these past few days, and I sure won’t be doing any blogging till after his operation. I appreciate the well-wishes I’ve received from some of you already, as well as those to come.
Update: Sorry to put up such an apocalyptic-reading post. I was pretty wrecked by the time I got home last night, and didn’t know what to write. I want to add that both surgeons with whom we consulted said that Dad’s a “perfect candidate” for this operation, and that there’s very little chance (0.5-2.0%) that anything will go wrong on Wednesday. So, while I’m still incredibly worried for my dad’s life, the surgeons aren’t portraying it as a very risky procedure.
Thanks again for all the e-mails. It means so much to me to know that I have such wonderful friends all over this world.