Sorry about the lack of updates, witticisms, etc., dear readers. I’ve been swamped with work on the year-end issue of the magazine and taking care of wedding details, while Amy & I have been adjusting to our new living-in-sin work schedules. I oughtta be back on track in a week or so.
Part of the reason I haven’t posted is because my head was blown off by the news that David Duke, Klansman and former representative from Louisiana, spoke at a rally in Damascus to support Bashar Assad.
I thought, “There’s no way on earth this story is real. Sure, it’d make for a great ‘Anti-Zionism Leads to Strange Bedfellows’ headline, but come on.”
Amy, a Louisiana native, asked, “Do you think he hates Jews more than non-whites?”
I opined that he probably doesn’t hate non-whites so much as he doesn’t want them in America. As long as they stick to Syria, I bet he’s fine with the existence of Arab people. In principle.
So I finally sat down last night and tried to source the story. First thing I found? Why, “The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD”! And it’s filled with links and soundclips from Duke’s visit to Syria! Enjoy!
(And I’ve determined that it’s okay–despite all the hardships that hurricane Katrina has inflicted on people–to laugh about the fact that it also dropped a tree on Duke’s house.)