Friend in Need

I’ve got a request for you, dear readers. A friend of mine (the Brooding Persian, whom I met in grad school) is suffering through a psychotic breakdown and an undetermined autoimmune disease (the latter seems to be causing the former, as an organic brain disorder). He’s living in the Seattle area, doesn’t have money, and is describing himself as a “ward of the courts,” on probation after a recent “harassment” arrest that he chalks up to this psychosis.

Here’s the request: do any of you know of any psychiatrists in the Seattle area who might be willing to talk to/evaluate my friend? He mentioned to me that he’s seeing a doctor in a “clinic for the poor.” I don’t want to cast aspersions on the quality of the help that he’s receiving; I just want to get him the best aid possible.

Drop me a line if you have any leads.

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