
An ongoing thing in this blog is the importance of friendship. I care a lot about my friends, even though I’ve seen a couple of decades-long friendships melt down in the past year or two.

Tonight, while I was yo-yo’ing on Rt. 287 (I felt like a vroom, okay?), I thought about the ways we stay in touch with people, and the ways we let them go. Last night, one of my friends and I talked about a mutual buddy, and how he was losing friendship points by repeatedly falling out of touch.

So, here’s the challenge: Imagine that you’re getting married, and you need to work on your guest-list. Write down the names of all the friends whom you’d invite to your wedding day. Then, next to each name, write down the last time you were in touch with that person.

Then start getting back in touch with them, starting with the one you’ve been out of touch with the longest.

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