Hang the DJ

Music (of all kinds, but particularly yesteryear’s dumb pop variety) is a huge part of my life, so I’ve decided to launch another blog to host my musical ramblings. So if you’re interested in this sorta thing, head on over to the blog of my DJ-wannabe-alter-ego, Mad Mix. I’ll write about new music discoveries, any books I read on the subject, and provide an update if I ever get around to learning how to play either of my two favorite instruments (the accordion and the banjo).

Even if I don’t post any writings about music for a while, I promise that, every Monday, the site will feature a recent Mad Mix CD, with track listings, explanations, and some musings about just what goes into making a good mix for friends, relations, loves, and ex-loves (but not too much about that last one, because I’m not Nick Hornby).

I’d love to read your comments about these, and maybe some of you could share the contents of your own favorite mixes with me (and, by extension, everydamnbody).

PS: If you’re using an RSS/Atom reader, set it to www.chimeraobscura.com/mm/madmix.xml

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