Happy New Year!

Talk about embarrassing. I mean, beyond super-atomic Dudley Moore-level drunk, I actually got to the point of crashing at my friends’ apartment in NYC at 9:30pm, following a 5-hour mini-binge at the Hi Life Bar & Grill, woke up at 2:15am, picked up my briefcase and suitcase (don’t ask), and drove home before realizing that my wallet is still (I hope) at the friends’ apt.

Fortunately, I have cash at home, which will enable me to get back to the city and pick up the wallet tomorrow, but this is all pretty pathetic, because the original plan was to spend the evening with these Lubavitcher friends of mine for Rosh Hashana. Problem was, I got to the city WAY too early, and all my friends were unavailable. So I drank and chatted up the bartender-ess at the Hi Life, discussing the finer points of trashy ’80s pop music.

I really need to get these priorities in order.

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