The official VM fiancee moved in yesterday, and we celebrated with a double-feature of So I Married an Axe Murderer and Showgirls! I got a light dust of snow to fall during the night, so she woke up to a peaceful view of our suburban future.
“Wow,” she said. “The only thing we’re missing is a monkey butler to serve us coffee.”
And you wonder why I’m getting married!
In other news, I posted another set of pix to Flickr. There’s about 100 snaps from my October 2002 trip to Paris, including some good “celebrity” shots from Pere Lachaise.
I figured out some neat Photoshop automations that should help me process a whole ton of other shots so I can post them up there, too. The big set from New Zealand will likely be next.
I hope you all have a great holiday weekend.
(Update: posted the NZ pix (11-12/03) and the California coast drive pix (6/04))