Office Rule

Let’s say you’re in sales.

Let’s say you and a coworker take out a client for lunch.

Let’s say you start drinking.

Let’s say you keep drinking.

A lot.

Let’s say that you and your coworker realize that it’s 4:30.

Do you:

  1. immediately enter a treatment program, as you’ve become the butt of a million drunk-jokes in an office renowned for its drinkers,
  2. have another beer and wait till 5:15 or 5:30 before slinking back to the office to get your things, so you can just start tomorrow fresh, or
  3. race to the office so as to get back before 5, drunkenly stumble down the hall to your desk, giggling with your coworker and stinking of booze?

I’m pleased to report that fat, drunk and stupid is too a way to go through life, Dean Wormer!

(2/29 Update! It gets better! It turns out there was no client involved! Just a couple of salespeople out at an 18-martini lunch!) 


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