Just when you think you can’t get any more exasperated at workplace oversensitivity, you get exasperateder.
A podcast about books, art & life — not necessarily in that order
Just when you think you can’t get any more exasperated at workplace oversensitivity, you get exasperateder.
As many of the comments on the blog entry point out, when did a book about fighting the KKK become racially insensitive? My favorite, though, might be at the bottom of the chain, about the word “niggardly.” I used the word just a few weeks ago to the shock and horror of two friends. Granted, one spoke only Serbian until she was 13 and the other was born in 1983, but both are extremely well-read, well-educated, rational and intelligent people. Is this all just the far other end of the spectrum from Beavis and Butthead’s “he said balls – heh heh – balls”?
hey, you have any pictures of cujo tearing up and down the stairs yet?
Not yet! We’ll post some on Sunday!
holy crap! I’m at the apple store right now and the air really is like Karen Carpenter! Amazing!!!