What I’m reading: I started The Odyssey, but decided to take a short break with Never Let Me Go
What I’m listening to: Fox Confessor Brings The Flood and Sir Lucious Left Foot
What I’m watching: Bear Nation (some of my best friends are bears) and Withnail & I
What I’m drinking: Dry Fly & Q-Tonic
What Rufus & Otis are up to: Not a lot. I was sick, so no Sunday grey-hike.
Where I’m going: Nowhere in particular, but I’m hoping to get a Herriman hike in on Saturday with a pal, provided my headcold’s all gone.
What I’m happy about: Getting into NYC on Saturday to meet up with Mark F., a good pal of mine. We had a nice brunch at the Double Crown, during which the ex-girlfriend I mentioned last week dropped off the accordion I’d bought from her. After eating, Mark accompanied me to the Billy Reid store on Bond St., and then we walked up to Astoria Wine & Spirits, St. Mark’s Comics and Porto Rico Importing Co. (for a bottle of Bols Genever, Marvel’s Strange Tales II, and a pound of Kona, respectively) before the farmers’ market at Union Square and Mark’s departure back to the Bronx. We had a good, meandering conversation. Between that and the previous weekend’s catch-up with my old high school pal Jen, I’m reminded of how much I need to stay in touch with old friends.
What I’m sad about: This lousy headcold. Grr.
What I’m worried about: Well, Mark’s response to our conversation about wearing nicer clothes (a prelude to visiting the Billy Reid store, which was a blast, btw) was, “Are you belatedly becoming a metrosexual?” I told him that if I started wearing man-scara, he could disown me, but once I began lugging the old-time suitcase containing the accordion down the street, he withdrew the question. As it turns out, carrying that accessory into the store seemed to grant me some weird street cred with the staff at the BR store. It seems that “Can you check my accordion for me, please?” isn’t said often enough nowadays.
What I’m pondering: How long it’s going to take me to learn to play that accordion, considering I have no musical training. Also, what else Never Let Me Go is a mix of. So far, I’ve got Such, Such Were the Joys and Camp Concentration (which you really should read). And whether I’ll ever buy anything from Billy Reid (I was sorely tempted).
Luckily, you happen to share a roof with someone who took 12 years of piano lessons and spent 8 years in band, so I can probably guide you through the music fundamentals and keyboard-side of the accordion. And I’m Cajun, so theoretically, I should be able to pick up the other side of it pretty quickly!
It’s zydecontagious!