What I’m reading: You Know Me, Al, by Ring Lardner. A pal gave this to me for my birthday a few years ago. I haven’t read it, but I noticed that it’s available on Manybooks for my Kindle, so I loaded it up for this trip. Oh, and I finished Book Two of Montaigne’s essays, which means I’m heading into the home-stretch. Zowie. But I was too busy this weekend to write about it, so Monday Morning Montaigne is on hiatus this week.
What I’m listening to: Radio Retaliation by Thievery Corporation, La Radiolina
by Manu Chao, and OK Computer
by Radiohead. But not Radio Radio by Elvis Costello.
What I’m watching: Ricky Gervais’ standup special, the first half of Dog Day Afternoon, and The Savages. Gervais was a hoot, but I found it even funnier that I have no idea who “he” is, in relation to his two best-known characters.
What I’m drinking: G&Ts with this Q Tonic, a high-end tonic I picked up. And boy, are they awesome. Down with corn syrup!
What Rufus is up to: Probably pining away for me by now. And it looks like he convinced one of my neighbors to adopt a greyhound when her husband retires and they get a new dog.
Where I’m going: Atlanta for the AAPS meeting. In fact, I’m in Atlanta right now!
What I’m happy about: I had The Realization about the novel I should write. Now I gotta get writin’!
What I’m sad about: Being away from Amy & Rufus.
What I’m pondering: Whether I was tempting fate by time-stamping this post for Monday morning right before getting on a plane Sunday.
Rufus wasn’t so bad this time around, though he did search for your car whenever we went outside and then pouted for a few minutes on your chaise until I ordered him down. All in all, much better than I was expecting!
So, what you writing then?