What I’m reading: Finished up When The Shooting Stops … The Cutting Begins: A Film Editor’s Story. The penultimate chapter — detailing how Annie Hall was salvaged — was phenomenal. Not sure what my main book will be after that.
What I’m listening to: The Cars’ Greatest Hits, Coconut Records’ Nighttiming
, and Rush’s greatest hits collection, Spirit of Radio
and Signals
. Man, Rush was awesome. Just call me The Analog Kid.
What I’m watching: A little NFL, a little NBA, the last couple of Rachel Zoe Projects (cleaning out the DVR), some Mythbusters (go, exploding water heater redux!) and Anchorman (decompressing on Sunday night).
What I’m drinking: Hendrick’s & Q-Tonic.
What Rufus is up to: Gaining a “little” brother, Otis B. Driftwood!
Where I’m going: Down to Philadelphia next Friday for my other 20th high school reunion.
What I’m happy about: That In The Loop comes out on DVD the day after my birthday in January! Pre-order: accomplished!
What I’m sad about: Letting work, travel, new dog, etc. derail my National Novel Writing Month project. Grr.
What I’m worried about: All the acclimating that Otis has to do; he seems much more prey-driven than Rufus was when we got him in March 2008. He also wants to jump over the baby-gate that cordons off our kitchen, which is a real problem.
What I’m pondering: Why you never call.