What I’m reading: Finished Cloud Atlas and went through some back issues of Fantastic Man.
What I’m listening to: This Is How It Feels, and Pure
, by The Golden Palominos.
What I’m watching: Monsters, Inc., The Philadelphia Story, and Thief. Also, I watched the first two episodes of Season 1 of The Sopranos. I’ve only watched the first season and the final episode (c.2001), so I recently bought the whole shebang. I may try to blog about the series, but I doubt it’ll be as long and rambling as my old Montaigne posts.
What I’m drinking: D.H. Krahn and Q-Tonic.
What Rufus & Otis are up to: Not a lot, thanks to the single-degree temps we’ve had the past few days.
Where I’m going: NYC on Tuesday, to interview a guy from the majorest of major pharmas. It’s a 9 a.m. interview, so I’ve gotta head in early in hopes of not getting stuck in traffic.
What I’m happy about: My favorite books of the decade post (still in the works) won’t have to be revised post-Cloud Atlas. Also, I think I came up with a great opening paragraph for a short story.
What I’m sad about: I didn’t do much work on that post in the last week.
What I’m worried about: I’ll never write the rest of that short story.
What I’m pondering: Whether to trade in my 2003 Honda Element and buy a 2010 Subaru Outback. The Element’s at 114,000 miles and I’ve had it for 6 years. It’s still running fine, but I’d rather get something new (and capable of hauling two greyhounds in comfort) while I’m in a relative position of strength; that is, I’d rather not have to get a new car because the old one’s failing regularly, if that makes sense.