What I’m reading: Montaigne & Cultural Amnesia, and Edmund and Rosemary Go To Hell
, the new ish of Monocle, and that NYTimes article about the House-like diagnosis of that guy I asked you all to help out with platelet donations a few months ago.
What I’m listening to: A whole passel of Bill Simmons’ B.S. Report podcasts, and just shuffling through my iTunes library for a new Mad Mix.
What I’m watching: Wall•E, Eastbound & Down and The Royal Tenenbaums.
What I’m drinking: Plymouth & Stirrings.
What Rufus is up to: Having no fun at the dog park. Again.
Where I’m going: To a pre-birthday dinner with my wife this Saturday!
What I’m happy about: My dad was wrong with last year’s (70th) birthday dinner prediction of “This is my last year.”
What I’m sad about: He made the same prediction at this year’s birthday dinner.
What I’m pondering: How he took it when I said, “Well, you’re bound to be right sometime.”
its OK Gil – I remember when he assured me (many times) that he wouldn’t live past 50!!
From a nice book called Buddhism Without Beliefs comes a question I try to ask myself each day. Can’t say I do very well at answering it though.
Since death alone is certain and the time of death unkknown, what should I do?
Like they say in Fight Club (the movie, at least; I’ve never read the book): “On a long enough time-line, everyone’s survival rate drops to zero.”