What I’m reading: The Dunwich Horror, by H.P. Lovecraft, Against the Gods, by Peter L. Bernstein, and Bottomless Belly Button
, by Dash Shaw
What I’m listening to: A stack of Mad Mix CDs
What I’m watching: Superbad and Cartwheel Fu
What I’m drinking: G&Ts with Plymouth Gin
Where I’m going: To NYC tonight to participate in a NYU graduate school panel on “media relations” or something. I find this funny because I’m the editor of a trade magazine, and thus not held in very high esteem by “legit” journalists.
What I’m happy about: Continuing to pile items like that one onto the resume of my career-by-accident/attrition.
What I’m sad about: Having no excuse not to get started on the September issue of the magazine, as well as preparing for our conference at the end of that month.
What I’m pondering: Whether the editors of the New Yorker are utterly tone deaf or just in the bag for Hillary.