What I’m reading: Finished A Reader’s Manifesto, by B.R. Myers, and The Beast in the Jungle, by Henry James. Started Strange and Stranger: The World of Steve Ditko
, by Blake Bell.
What I’m listening to: Just shuffling on my iPod, while I figure out how to reinstall my Sirius radio in my car in a way that will prevent my dog from chewing through the antenna cable again.
What I’m watching: Spaced, some Angels-Yankees, and . . . the fourth season of The Wire! At last!
What I’m drinking: Plymouth G&T.
Where I’m going: Nowhere, although I’m considering going up to Saratoga in two weeks to see Gillian Welch play the folk festival.
What I’m happy about: Getting to see my brother last week, and getting out to that Bruce show.
What I’m sad about: The weird noise coming out of the water heater downstairs. Especially after that episode of Mythbusters.
What I’m pondering: Lots of big, intricate sentences by Henry James.