What I’m reading: Montaigne’s essays, Berlin: City of Stones
, and The Great Outdoor Fight
What I’m listening to: The first Scissor Sisters album.
What I’m watching: Started up the fifth season of The Wire. Not liking it so much after two episodes, because a lot of the characters are speechifying, rather than talking. And only eight left!
What I’m drinking: Rosenblum 2007 Appellation viognier.
What Rufus is up to: His first hike! And a BBQ party where he was awfully well behaved (except for his chow-hounding)!
What I’m happy about: I got to see some longtime friends on Sunday and got to see one of my work-pals get hitched on Saturday. And I don’t have to go to work today!
What I’m sad about: That two people at the party I attended on Sunday talked about how it was “poetic justice” that Hurricane Gustav might wallop New Orleans & environs at the same time as the Republican Convention.
What I’m pondering: How this is any different from evangelicals contending that Hurricane Katrina was God’s revenge on homosexuals, Southern Decadence, etc. They’re all douchebags who ignore human suffering in favor of making their narrow political point.