Jonathan Capehart of the WaPost visited New Orleans expecting to find anger and resentment:
And then I got my feet on the ground in New Orleans. The anger I was ready to embrace never materialized, because the people I met were moving beyond it.
He found people trying to build their homes. I find it a little weird that he was “ready to embrace” the anger of the locals, but we all project, right?
Meanwhile, we have a little bit of Louisiana right here in Ringwood, because one of our neighbors wasn’t as lucky as we were in that storm last week, and took a little roof damage from a fallen tree. Amy waves at the blue tarp on their roof when we pass it.
“there but for the grace of Gd go I”
I just finished Henderson the Rain King, my first Bellow read. You ever read it?
Nope! Any good?
I’ve read only Seize the Day (eh) and Ravelstein, that roman a clef about Allan Bloom. Ron had a piece about that book on Slate a few weeks back: