Random House’s Salute To Fireworks

I’ve goofed on my history of (incredibly) small press publishing for years. While there are plenty of specific reasons why I was a failure, there are also some pretty enormous structural problems with the business of book publishing. I think most of those problems can be traced back to bookstore returnability, but it’s a complex argument that I don’t feel like making right now.

What brings me to this topic is the news that Bertelsmann, a privately held German media conglomerate, looks ready to announce a new president for Random House, one of the largest publishing companies in the world. Perturbed that Random hasn’t had any blockbuster hits in the last year and revenues have slipped, ownership (and new CEO Hartmut Ostrowski) decided to promote from within. Of course, when you’re a major conglomerate like Bertelsmann, “within” can be a pretty broad term.

In this case, Random House’s new president, Markus Dohle, comes from Bertelsmann’s Arvato Print unit. What’s Arvato? Why, I’ll let the WSJ explain:

While Arvato is so unglamorous a business it was once referred to inside Bertelsmann as “Siberia,” it has served as a major growth engine for Bertelsmann in recent years. Arvato has been plunging into far-ranging businesses such as repairing mobile telephones, storing pharmaceuticals and running call centers and billing systems. Last year it booked almost [$7.8 billion] in revenue, or about a quarter of Bertelsmann’s turnover.

I’m sure Mr. Dohle’s a fine executive, and I’m sure Mr. Ostrowski (another Arvato Print alumni) has some big ideas for how Bertelsmann can make book publishing a major contributor to its bottom line (it’s currently at 10% of company revenues), but this sort of pedigree sounds a lot like the appointment of Jack Donaghy to the role of Vice President of East Coast Television and Microwave Oven Programming.


As a Mac convert, my interest in the decline/irrelevance of Microsoft is more observational and less practical. Every so often, I look at prices for Windows laptops, just ’cause, and then think, “There’s nothing I’d need one of these machines for.” But I’m fascinated by the sight of MS in this state of disarray, and not just because of my adoration of failure. Their inability to adapt to the new world isn’t simply a failing on the part of their executives; rather it looks like a big-ol’ example of the sclerotic nature of empires.

There are plenty of sites devoted to this issue, but a few articles on the topic of MS’s problems ended up in my RSS feed in the past week, so I thought I’d share them with you. It began with a BusinessWeek cover article about the company’s failed bid to acquire Yahoo (a bid that may develop into some sort of partnership/buy-in option, according to this weekend’s reports). The piece discusses MS’s rationales for the deal and its online ad strategy to battle Google, but a red flag went up for me after this passage:

“Microsoft’s biggest fear is that once you start putting Google [software programs on the Internet], then the price Microsoft can charge for its software will erode markedly,” says David B. Yoffie, a professor at Harvard Business School. “Just the threat means that Microsoft has to be able to offer advertising as a choice.”

Mull that one over: Is Yoffie saying that, because the internet is making MS’s core business — operating systems and office software — irrelevant, MS needs to, um, spend $45 billion to buy an also-ran in the business of selling ads on the internet? Doesn’t that seem like a non sequitur? Just because selling ads online is Google’s core business, why would it mean that MS has to go whole-hog after that market?

  • MS core competencies: building & selling operating systems and office applications
  • Google core competencies: building search engine & selling text ads

I think Yoffie’s argument would make more sense as, “MS’s lead business is eroding in the long term, so the company is looking for new business opportunities.” But trying to justify this enormous acquisition in terms of “sticking it to Google” looks like folly to me.

(Oh, and another key point of the article is that MS is trying to undercut the foundation of Google’s ad revenues by arguing that ads from search results aren’t as valuable as ads that are served up on regular web pages, tailored to individual users by tracking their movements on the web. That is, MS can serve advertisers better by following them around and snooping in on their web usage.)

This article by Chris Seibold approaches the MS dilemma from another angle. He contends that MS’s big problem is that it got away from its old practice of bullying smaller companies and stealing technologies, and tried to become a “me too” business. Seibold sees the XBox, the Zune, and online advertising as dilutions of MS’s mission, which is building software.

I’m not sure how viable that strategy is, or whether it’s simply a way of consigning MS to a slow death. In the pharma industry, which I’ve observed for almost a decade, the “me too” business plays a necessary role. And at least these “me too” therapies fit into the basic business of pharma companies. MS’s decisions to get into a gaming platform war with Sony, or compete with the iPod and the iTunes store, are markedly different than a pharma company devoting R&D dollars to go after a promising field a few years behind a competitor’s project.

In the NYTimes this weekend, Randall Stross reports on the Single-Era Conjecture, “the invisible law that makes it impossible for a company in the computer business to enjoy pre-eminence that spans two technological eras.” He points out that MS had years to prepare for a transition into the internet age, but failed to make the leap in any meaningful way.

Stross also makes the point that MS’s online business was profitable just a few years ago, but that’s because it was centered on users paying MS for dialup access. Once the broadband infrastructure grew out far enough, the online unit began posting a loss, tied as it was to an obsolescing business model. This one really gets at my question of whether MS is just too big to keep up.

But the article that really sums out the trouble MS is having turns out to be another BW one on the phenomenon of major corporations choosing not to upgrade to MS’s new Vista operating system.

That’s that core competency I was talking about: building and selling an OS. Vista reached the market years late, has memory-hogging features that appear designed to get users to buy new hardware, and still manages to have compatibility and driver issues. Acquiring Yahoo (or just its search-ad biz, as is rumored) isn’t going to convince people to start upgrading their computers & OS.

Any of my geekier or more business-oriented readers have thoughts on this?

What It Is: 5/19/08

What I’m reading: Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad, and the first 8 issues of the new Omega the Unknown miniseries, sorta written by Jonathan Lethem, whose prose I’ve never tried out. I oughtta sample some of his stuff on my Kindle, because I’m that awesome.

What I’m listening to: A new Mad Mix. More to come.

What I’m watching: Game 7 of Cavs/Celts, and wondering if the LeBron/Pierce matchup was going to live up to the ‘Nique/Bird shootout in 1988. It was pretty awesome.

What I’m drinking: Wet by Beefeater.

Where I’m going: Nowhere, not even for Memorial Day weekend. Sigh.

What I’m happy about: Getting out for a fantastic meal at Saddle River Inn on Saturday night, even if Dad raised the stakes on inappropriate conversation by launching into a discourse on the method used by my mohel. Seriously.

What I’m REALLY happy about: My pal Tina got married!

What I’m sad about: The Celtics won.

What I’m pondering: Microsoft’s strategy. Post to come.

China on the Mississippi?

When I write about how the NYSun is the Official Newspaper of Gil Roth, please keep in mind that I’m referring to its arts, culture and sports writing. Its op-ed section, on the other hand, can get pretty wacky.

Take today’s piece by Gordon Chang, for example. A Communist-Made Disaster discusses how the huge death-toll from the earthquake in China can be chalked up to policies of the communist party (he doesn’t blame the earthquake itself on the party; that’s India’s fault) and the local corruption that the regime breeds.

Mr. Chang seems to be arguing that a democratic system would push for regulation of building standards, deter public officials from skimming off or mis-allocating taxpayer funds, and allow the people to hold the government responsible for building safer schools.

All of which made me wonder, “Has Mr. Chang heard of New Orleans?”

The White Stuff

I’m sure he’s a perfectly good guy, but I was just transfixed by this combo of headshot & name in today’s WSJ:

Probably because of this guy:

Rich white guys RULE!

In the Official Newspaper of Gil Roth, Tim Marchman has an article today on how the “corporate ownership” wave in baseball never came to fruition, looking back on the 10th anniversary of the Piazza trade from LA to Florida. Marchman makes the key point that, as the decade has passed, the ranks of MLB ownership includes more smart, rich, white guys (and hispanics) and fewer Belgians. And that’s a sentiment we can all get behind.

(BONUS! Today’s ONGR also has an obit for Irena Sendler, the righteous woman who helped smuggle 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto. I got choked up while reading her story at the lunch table, but no one else was in the room, so I didn’t have to kill anyone.)