6th Bloggiversary!

Today’s the 6th anniversary of Virtual Memories! Congratulate me!

I’ve had a lot of fun doing this, and I hope you readers have gotten something good out of it. I’m always glad to find that there are people reading my stuff. At my day job, I was kinda shocked the first time I was at a conference and someone mentioned a joke I’d put in my From the Editor page. I’ve gotten more comfortable with the idea of that audience, and I’m thrilled that there’s some sort of readership for this site, too.

As a treat (to myself), I’ve gone back to the second post I wrote (the first one was just a test item). You’ll find it hard to believe, but it was about whether I’d get around to reading the huge stack of books under my hall table! Some things never change!

So let’s go back to the list and see what I finally got around to reading from those days since 2003:



Looking over that “unread” list, I don’t have a ton of regrets. I’d most like to get around to reading D.H. Lawrence, maybe the Schama book, and Byatt’s Possession. Of the ones I did read, I rank Little, Big at #1, then Gould’s Book of Fish, then all the rest.

I’m going to try to read those Stoppard plays again sometime, since I just didn’t follow them well enough. I was probably just reading for volume, which is never a good idea.

Thanks for coming by. And please leave comments, if the spirit moves you.

2 Replies to “6th Bloggiversary!”

  1. Congratulations on making your sixth bloggy day. I’m very thankful for the content, plus I figure all of my friends that aren’t out in the open blogging are spending that time plotting against me.

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