Diversify toleration!

Neat editorial by Chris Broussard at ESPN, regarding gay players in the NBA. He believes the league is “ready” for them, while also contending that homoesexuality’s a sin.

I’m a born-again, Bible-believing Christian (no, I’m not a member of the Religious Right). And I’m against homosexuality (I believe it’s a sin) and same-sex marriage.

But before you label me “homophobic,” know that I’m against any type of sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman. That includes heterosexual fornication (premarital sex).

Read the whole thing, because he brings up some interesting points about tolerance being a two-way street (as it were). And as long as you can ball (as it were), there’s room for you in Broussard’s rec-league.

5 Replies to “Diversify toleration!”

  1. Huh. So gay guys have a right to play basketball according to Chris and to the market (and to our government…so far)? Gee..thanks Mr.Broussard. I find that article awfully disturbing….

  2. I guess I just don’t love the idea that this guys thinks it is OK for gay guys to play a little pro hoop before they go down tumbling down the Hellpipe. We can thumbwrestle over it on Saturday.

  3. I find the tolerance notion weird because it always sounds to me that if the person involved hadn’t decided to be tolerant, they’d somehow be justified in running around throwing hot coffee on people. It’s an odd construct, and for Christians I don’t see how embracing it doesn’t violate the “judge not” principle.

    My understanding is you can’t project who’s going to hell because that judgment is reserved to God, too, but it happens. My mom thinks Bobby Knight is going to go to hell because he’s an asshole.

  4. Me too….Tolerance is so patronising.
    The only people I tolerate are complete losers (including, but not limited to, right wing Christian hypocrites). The rest of humanity I try to put a little more energy into.

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