Co’ rockin’ the links, dear reader! Enjoy!
Water-heater rocket was one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen on TV. (video here)
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William F. Buckley: Captain Crunch.
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I think I’m on the outer cusp of the generation that Michael Blowhard is damning/referring to in his review of Oldboy. That is, I did get sorta carried along by the movie, and I didn’t find it as much of an amusement park ride as, say, Sin City or 300. I think it worked on some level outside of its “first-person shooter” mentality, even if the motivation at its core of its plot was disappointing. Of course, I also love Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (except that Jim Carrey’s final plea doesn’t really work), so hey.
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I’m awfully fascinated by the new development plans in NYC. (Update: um, update!)
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Here’s a haunting post on Jewish architects in pre-war Germany. (and here’s Dave Sim’s new comic on the shoah, which is coming out next month, I think.)
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A small incident which must have confirmed some people’s worst suspicions about me occurred when I was asked to sign a protest against “censorship†after a newspaper declined to publish somebody’s manifesto. “But that isn’t censorship,†I said. “That’s editing. In Russia you go to prison for possessing a copy of Animal Farm. That’s censorship.â€
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It’s been 25 years. The Nets are still pissed off at Larry Brown.