Unrequired Reading: Nov. 28, 2008

Let’s give thanks to a bunch of fun links! Just click “more”!

I love the internet, because it means someone will write an article on the history of Zima.

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Like a chicken without its head cut off.

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Comedy: if you have to explain it, it’s not funny. If you explain it as poorly as Ross Simonini does, you’re probably the most boring person at any party.

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Cara Mia!

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Given its subject matter, this article is WAY too long.

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Wall Street is having an easy time of it, relatively speaking.

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Given the committee’s inane choices, is there some reason people treat the Nobel Prize for Literature with any particular reverence? (More on the topic from Bourgeois Surrender!)

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Turducken not hardcore enough for you? You should’ve gone with Turbaconducken!

One Reply to “Unrequired Reading: Nov. 28, 2008”

  1. Turbaconducken – yet more proof that everything’s better with bacon.

    But without Zima to wash it all down??!? What hope for the world is left?

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