What I’m reading: The Odyssey, some goofy Johnny Ryan comics, and a ton of magazines I needed to catch up on, like Monocle, New York, Fantastic Man, GQ, Esquire, and Interview.
What I’m listening to: Barking, The Lady Killer
, High Violet
, This is Happening
, and Ain’t Nobody Worryin’
What I’m watching: The Promise, Alice in Wonderland, Moon, About a Boy, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, and some more of season 1 of In Treatment.
What I’m drinking: G&T with Ethereal gin, from a little distillery up in the Berkshires.
What Rufus & Otis are up to: Being cute for our Thanksgiving guests, going on a colder hike at Wawayanda. I’d share the specs with you, but I updated the GPS app on my iPhone and now it doesn’t work correctly. Yay. Thanks, Motion-X!
Where I’m going: I’ll be in Puerto Rico next Sunday-Tuesday for a mini-biz trip. It’ll be my first JetBlue trip, and my first flight from Newburgh Airport, up near Herriman. Continental’s rates were absolutely exorbitant, esp. since I was booking late, so I’m going to break with my rule of not flying direct on this trip. I have a 6 a.m. flight back home on Tuesday (via Orlando), but I don’t think I’m capable of staying up all night and rolling straight into the airport, as I once did.
What I’m happy about: Getting some errands done during my week off, managing to get $500 in trade-in value for my 1st-generation MacBook Air from Tekserve in NYC, and spending a little while comic-shopping with my pal Mark. Also, I was happy to have a long conversation about men’s fashion with a clerk at the Club Monaco store in SoHo. It sounds superficial, I know, but it was nice to chat with someone who took one look at me and recognized that I didn’t dress by accident.
What I’m sad about: Some punk-ass kids smashed my mailbox over the weekend, prompting me to buy and install a new “vandal-proof” one.
What I’m worried about: That my inability to get into LCD Soundsystem is a sign that I’m an old fart.
What I’m pondering: A good quote about my heart for the website of my wife’s pal Nicole’s blog. I’m thinking of coming up with something from here.
Anything good in GQ? I haven’t looked at or seen one in so long I didn’t know they were still in circulation. I lost interest in them when, like Esquire, they decided they needed to sell their magazines with Cosmo-type covers.
“What I’m watching: The Promise, Alice in Wonderland, Moon, About a Boy, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, and some more of season 1 of In Treatment.”
Liar! You were camped in front of the TV with a glazed look on your face watching endless hours of Star Wars on Spike TV.
I’ve flown Jet Blue numerous times out of Stewart. I have never had a problem. It’s a small aiport, so there’s not a lot of traffic. I had a delay only once and that was because a freak snow squall blew through and they had to de-ice the plane. That, I did not enjoy! It’s nice that you can park for free also. Enjoy your trip!