What I’m reading: The new issue of The Atlantic, which has a bunch of great articles (as usual), including an entertaining one on the aptly named Rampage Jackson, a UFC fighter. I’m trying to figure out what to read on my trip to Louisiana; I’m just bringing the Kindle along and will settle on something. I’m thinking maybe Gatsby or Heyday
What I’m listening to: Third, by Portishead.
What I’m watching: The Player and Tropic Thunder. It’s our meta-Hollywood weekend.
What I’m drinking: My associate editor got me some Bluecoat gin for a holiday present (I got her a spa gift certificate, since she could REALLY use some relaxation), so I oughtta have that.
What Rufus is up to: Not enjoying his first experience with snow.
Where I’m going: Off to Louisiana for the holidays with my in-laws!
What I’m happy about: Being done with the year-end 400-page issue.
What I’m sad about: Having to leave Rufus with friends while we’re away. Even though they love him and have 2 greys of their own for him to hang out with, I just feel bad about having to uproot him like that. Which is probably why I went 20 years between getting a pet.
What I’m pondering: Whether it’s actually a blessing disguise that NetNewsWire deleted the 20-something posts I’d been saving for months to read and/or write about.
I cried in the parking lot when we left Genius at the kennel (? is it called this for cats) for this week. Another reason I probably shouldn’t have children.
I felt a lot better after taking Rufus by our friends’ place last night to hang out, smell the smells and walk with the other greys. The greys (both female) were SO uncomfortable with having him in their home that they both curled up and went to sleep within 5 minutes of our arrival.
And the fact that my friends have been living with greys for a few months makes me more secure that they’ll know “how to deal with him.” (This is the same couple for whom I once wrote the infamous “Rules for Rufus” post. She (Kristy) asked me why I hadn’t written up a new set for this hand-off.)
I thought about leaving him with a kennel at one point, but the only ones I have any faith in require reservations at least 6 months in advance. (?!)
I just hope they respect his religious beliefs.