What it is: 3/24/08

What I’m reading:Little Nothings: The Curse of the Umbrella, by Lewis Trondheim

What I’m listening to: Drunk with Passion, This is How it Feels, and Pure, all by the Golden Palominos

What I’m watching: Blades of Glory, unfortunately

What I’m drinking: Not a durned thing

Where I’m going: Philadelphia, for a pharma conference

What I’m happy about: Getting to see some of my pals down in Philly (both locals and work-friends who I tend to see only at conferences, but would hang out with in non-work scenarios)

What I’m sad about: Being away from my wife and my doggie for a few days.

What I’m pondering: How to describe the multiple levels of messed-up-edness in Sunday’s visit with my uncle, who had bypass surgery a few weeks ago. On the plus side, he seems to be recuperating pretty well. On the minus side, it appears that, in addition to my having to worry about hereditary cardiovascular issues, I’ll also have to be on the lookout for the mental instability that my dad and his brother share.

7 Replies to “What it is: 3/24/08”

  1. Can you stay in Philadelphia through Friday night and watch Davidson go toe-to-toe against Wisconsin?? As you can imagine, I’m walking on clouds today in light of my alma mater’s stunning Easter miracle – we beat frickin’ Georgetown!!

  2. if you’re free, call. I’d like to hear about your trip to Eddie, No biggie if you’re enmeshed in work; we’ll catch up.


  3. BTW: Sela and Liat located that X-Man volume you gave us. It’s not so easy to explain genetic mutation and students at a school who are clearly in their 20’s and 30’s.

    They both agreed that Storm is really hot.

  4. your mom’s genes into the mix will probably save you. Or some new drug they develop in the next 20 years. Or, if you keep the faith, the Lord may assign an angel to watch over your sanity. i think the odds are on your side.


  5. Last month when I went to visit Covance in Princeton to discuss a project, I passed a sign for the Islamic Center of Central NJ, and thought, “I oughtta get Faiz over here to goof on these guys!”

    I may come back up through Princeton on the way home from Interphex Friday, so e-mail over your # and I’ll give you a call if I’m not still hungover.

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