Writing and Blogging

The NY Observer has a funny article about how there’s no “career path” for writers nowadays, because they can’t work their way up from magazines into high-paying jobs as ‘intelligentsia’ or something, the way they once could. Oh, and writers can’t get expense accounts anymore. I was entertained by its clueless aspiration for a world almost 50 years gone. Or, as this commenter put it:

This reads like a bunch of bitter, entitled, anonymous people trying to rationalize their failures in a piece that is itself a rationalization of its own failures. If there were any numbers or statistics even remotely associated with this bogus trend piece it might be worth discussing, but it’s just empty and lazy.

Anyway, here’s a piece from Donald Pittenger on the use(lessness) of editors, which parallels the Observer article in a neat way. At least, I think it does, but I got no sleep last night, so I may be clutching at straws.

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